This year, for our second attempt at the John Moyle Memorial Field day, on 19th March 2022, The Club obtained 2nd Place in the Phone 6 hour multi operator portable station division. Not bad for our second effort at the competition. Lets get first next year in the 6 hour!

Flood response initiative
It has now been several months since the NEVARC created a flood recovery for amateurs. Fortunately for those Amateurs in the flood effected areas, they all own houses on hills (who would have thought given our hobby). We had some very good feedback, and many thanks for the offers, however nobody needed our assistance. In a way this is a good thing.
We had some other clubs and individuals add to our fund as well, being:
Fists inc
WA Newsline
VK3QB; and
Combined, we raised $3000 for the cause.
In line with our policy document, we have returned the monies to the stakeholders and have closed our response.
As a club, we wish to thank all those who contributed to the cause. Should the next natural disaster required it, We will all be there front and centre to offer assistance.